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Hi, I'm Lee Binz, The HomeScholar. This blog answers commonly asked questions about homeschooling high school.

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Does General Science Count?

If your child is in 9th grade, and they take General Science, then in my opinion it's a high school credit - simply because your child is high school age. I figure that if a kid takes remedial anything in a public high school, they still put it on the transcript, right? Just label it "general science" so you're all above-board about it. If Physical Science was taken in 10th grade, then again it's a high school credit, and label it physical science. Biology and Chemistry are more obviously high school level.

One other detail. Most colleges need to see only three years of science, so if your child ends up with four years of science, you'll have a bonus year! (Yeah!) So if you want to, you can leave off 9th grade science, and say General Science 10, Bio 11, Chem 12. That's fine too. Whatever you choose isn't that significant. Colleges will often pick and choose which classes will fulfill their requirements. If you have more than enough science, they may not include it anyway. I view it like Driver's Education - just put it on the transcript and if the college wants to use it then they will, and if they don't, they won't.

By the way, the books don't really agree about credits like this - they all have a unique opinion on what is a credit and what isn't. I think you have the freedom to decide for yourself whether you want to call it a credit or not.



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Yvonne said...

I agree, Lee! I have quite few friends who are doing General Science in the 9th grade...especially with Apologia because it does require high school study skills.

I just want to say that I really love your blog. May I link to it from my blog? I want to put it under the "Blogs that Bless," category.

The HomeScholar said...

Of course you can link my blog! I would love that! Thanks why I have the button available, so that people can even put the "thinking about high school" button on their blog if they want.

Thanks so much for your sweet words! And if you ever think of a question, please let me know - I don't want to run out of interesting things to say :-)

The HomeScholar
"Helping parents homeschool through high school"