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Letter of Recommendation Tips

Some people who write letters of recommendation for our children may not be aware of the standard format of a recommendation. The college will want to know about the person giving the recommendation - their name, title, contact information, etc. Here are some links that may help you to see some samples:

In general you're looking at something liked this:

Recommender's name
Recommender's address
Today's date

Dear College Name (OR To Whom it May Concern)

Paragraph One is identifying the student, and how the recommender has come to know the student.

Paragraph two is specific evidence of character traits that the recommender knew from contact with the student. Include knowledge, maturity, or any project or job completed.

Paragraph three is about work skills in general that the student has displayed.

Paragraph four is where it actually states "I highly recommend....."

Recommender's Signature
Recommender's Typed full name
Recommender's Title or position

If possible, it would be optimal to get the letter into that format. Look on each college website, because sometimes they have specific requirements for recommendations, like "in a sealed signed envelope" or "mail separately" or something. The recommender will have to physically sign the letter.

I hope that helps!
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